Elisabetta Lauro and Gennaro Andrea Lauro

choreography and dance Elisabetta Lauro and Gennaro Andrea Lauro

music Amedeo Monda

lighting design Tea Primiterra

production Sosta Palmizi, Compagnie Meta, Cuenca/Lauro

coproduction FESTIVAL DANZA IN RETE – Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza

with the support of ResiDance XL – places and residency projects for choreographic creations

action of the Rete Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane Danza D’autore coordinated by L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino – action coordinated ResiDance XL for the Network AnticorpiXL with the support of Teatro Akropolis, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese – Consorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cultura, Comune di San Vito dei Normanni, TEX – Il Teatro dell’ExFadda with the support of CSC di Bassano del Grappa

approved by Festa di Teatro Ecologico di Stromboli, Teatro in-folio / Residenza Carte Vive, Invito alla Danza – Barletta, Ménagerie de Verre – Paris, CND – Paris, CENTQUATRE- Paris

Advance. Elisabetta Lauro and Gennaro Andrea Lauro are staging a symbolic chessboard made of physical acts, whose syntax “transposed onto other fields of life reminds us of a certain constrictive logic that defines our identity, our presence in the world, the hierarchical design of relations in which we grew up and therefore our apparent possibilities”.

In chess Zugzwang is when you are forced to make a move, although you feel it is impossible, because you know that by moving, something will certainly be lost, if not even everything. And so what to move, and how to move.


Elisabetta Lauro and Gennaro Andrea Lauro, though with different experiences, share an underlying interest in movement as a way to convey emotional and symbolic content. Dance is the primary yet not the only language of their research. In it they seek the possibility for the body to be the sign also of what cannot be said clearly. They’ve worked in parallel in Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland. 

Elisabetta, after studying at the Folkwang Hochschule, has been a performer for, among others, Malou Airaudo, Kuo-Chu Wu, Johannes Wieland, Rootlessroot and in Sacre by Pina Bausch. Since 2011 she has created, together with César Augusto Cuenca Torres Hay un no sé qué no sé donde e (zero), and in 2021 her first solo Regenland.

Gennaro studied Philosophy and Oriental Languages, and then discovered dance. He has worked with, among others, Romeo Castellucci, Cindy Van Acker, Giorgio Rossi, Cie Meta, Cie Inkörper and Circo El Grito. In 2018 he presented his first creation, Sarajevo – la strage dell’uomo tranquillo, and then in 2020 Mondo.

Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza