Artistic Committee

Programming Section

Marco Betti
Responsible for dance programming Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria

Franco Bolletta
Ballet manager Fondazione Teatro La Fenice di Venezia

Luisa Cuttini
Rappresentante RTO NID 2024
Artistic Director Circuito CLAPS (Circuito Lombardia Arti Pluridisciplinari Spettacolo dal vivo)

Roberto De Lellis
RTO representative, NID 2024

Flavia Vecchiarelli
Artistic Director FDE Festival Danza Estate di Bergamo

Pier Giacomo Cirella
RTO lead organisation representative, NID 2024
General Secretary Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza

Open Studios

Marco Betti
Responsible for dance programming Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria

Franco Bolletta
Ballet manager Fondazione Teatro La Fenice di Venezia

Paolo Brancalion
Dance projects coordinator at Emilia-Romagna Residency Centre (L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora / La Corte Ospitale)

Luisa Cuttini
Rappresentante RTO NID 2024
Artistic Director Circuito CLAPS (Circuito Lombardia Arti Pluridisciplinari Spettacolo dal vivo)

Roberto De Lellis
RTO representative, NID 2024

Flavia Vecchiarelli
Artistic Director FDE Festival Danza Estate di Bergamo

Pier Giacomo Cirella
RTO lead organisation representative, NID 2024
General Secretary Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza

Marco Betti

Marco Betti has been responsible for the dance planning of the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria since 2020. After graduating from high school (scientific curriculum) he enrolled at university to study construction engineering-architecture. In 2006 he came into contact with Associazione Demetra, and became its president from 2010 to 2014. Throughout that period, he carried out many major projects such as the management of the Centro di Palmetta of Terni, a centre dedicated to promoting new forms of artistic expression. After following the production activities of numerous companies and artists active in the field of new stage languages, from 2013 to 2020 he collaborated with Indisciplinarte: he organised and produced various projects, including the International Festival of the Contemporary Creation in Terni, and managed the CAOS in Terni. From 2018 to 2020 he was the coordinator of CURA, Centre of Umbria of Artistic Residencies. At the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, since 2020, he has been the head of the dance programme, he prepares the programme and follows the networking projects with other institutions.

Franco Bolletta

Franco Bolletta has been the artistic and organisational director of the dance activities of the Teatro La Fenice in Venice since 1988. From 1975 to 1990 he collaborated as a music and dance critic with Radio 3 Rai and Il Giornale della Musica. Throughout his long career he has held many prestigious positions: from 1980 to 1990 he was the artistic consultant of the Performing Arts sector of the ITALIA – URSS Association; from 1987 to 1990 Artistic Director of the Europadanzaoggi contemporary dance festival; in 1988 Artistic Director of the International Ballet Festival of Nervi; in 1991 Director of the training and specialisation dance course organised by the European Union, the Veneto Region and Asolo Musica; in 1995 Assistant Director of Aida, production Fassini/Carosi Opéra of Bordeaux; in 1995 he collaborated with the Venice Biennale, in the music sector on the Ocean project by Merce Cunningham; from 1996 to 1999 Artistic Director of the International Ballet Festival of Nervi; in 2000 he created and directed the project called Mediterrraneo: Il mare che unisce European Union/Liguria Region; since 2012 he has been part of the Artistic Committee tasked with preparing the Italian Dance Platform organised by the Italian Ministry of Culture; from 2018 to 2020 artistic consultant for Dance of the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Foundation.

Paolo Brancalion

Paolo Brancalion works at the Emilia-Romagna Residency Center (L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale) as a coordinator and tutor for dance projects. From 2001 to 2005 he collaborated in the organization of Santarcangelo International Festival. From 2002 to 2003, he worked in the organizational staff of the Riccione Teatro collaborating in the organization of the 16th TTV Festival – performing arts on screen and Premio Riccione per il Teatro as head of the ACT! Archives of Contemporary Theater. For the Network Anticorpi XL he has coordinated since 2015 the ResiDanceXL action – places and residency projects for choreographic creations, and he is a tutor and lecturer of Nuove Traiettorie XL action, a training project dedicated to young choreographers. He has participated in the creation of networks and projects, in particular: Anticorpi – Network of Festivals and Creative Residencies of Emilia-Romagna in which he is also a member of the promoters’ group; DNAppunti Coreografici support project for young Italian choreographers; E BAL’ – contemporary dance seminars. Since 2019 he has been serving as a member of the selection board of the Open studios section at NID – New Italian Dance Platform: Reggio Emilia – V edition (2019), Salerno – VI edition (2021), Cagliari – VII edition (2023), Vicenza – VIII edition (2024).

Luisa Cuttini

Luisa Cuttini developed her artistic background in the dance and theatre world. In 2000 she started working as an operator and organiser, with her tasks being the planning, management and artistic direction of festivals and events. From 2004 to 2014 she directed Circuito Danza Lombardia, recognised and supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture, and in 2013 the Interregional Ministerial project entitled Teatri del Tempo Presente. In 2015 she coordinated the third edition of NID – New Italian Dance Platform, a project shared and supported by ADEP, the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Brescia. She graduated from DAMS (Drama, Art and Music Studies) / Faculty of Humanities at the Cattolica University of Brescia. Together with the Universities of Turin, Bologna, Brescia and Milan she organised the following conferences: Danza.Com, Danza.Comm 2.0, Arti performative e architettura in spazi urbani and Il paesaggio, dalla visione prospettica allo sguardo contemplativo. Since 2015 she has been the artistic director of the CLAPS Circuit, Ministerial Regional Multi-Disciplinary Circuit. Since 2018 she has been coordinating the “IntercettAzioni” Residency Centre of the Lombardy Region and the CirkAround project, winner of the 4 editions of Boarding Pass Plus, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture.

Roberto De Lellis

Roberto De Lellis is the director of ATER Fondazione, a multi-disciplinary
circuit of the Emilia-Romagna Region. After graduating in Humanities at Sapienza University in Rome, in 1981 he attended the first course by AGIS for theatre organisers. Since then, he directed the Institute of Theatre Culture in Santarcangelo di Romagna and worked with Franco Quadri at the Venice Biennale in 1984. He was the president and artistic director of the Teatro delle Briciole from 1990 to 2000, he then collaborated with Sosta Palmizi and the Festival delle Nazioni, which he directed until 2018. He was also the production director of the Teatro Gioco Vita in Piacenza from 2000 to 2020 and coordinator of the Aterdanza circuit from 2003 to 2015. He has been teaching regularly at the postgraduate course in Performing Arts
Entrepreneurship since 2010 and was an adjunct professor at the Bologna DAMS from 2009 to 2011. With Bulzoni he published Le regole dello spettacolo – manuale per conoscere la storia, le leggi, gli enti e le imprese in Italia e in Francia in 2009.

Flavia Vecchiarelli

Flavia Vecchiarelli has been the artistic director of FDE Festival Danza Estate in Bergamo since 2020. She graduated in Communication Sciences at the University of Bergamo and in Forms and Techniques of Performing Arts at La Sapienza University in Rome. She began her collaboration with the Festival Danza Estate in 2009, developing over time skills in the artistic and managerial spheres thanks to the different positions she held during her professional growth within the organisation, ranging from promotion to production, until she took on the organisational direction from 2012 to 2019. As artistic director, in 2021 she launched the This Must be the Space project, which combines scouting activities in support of emerging creativity with audience engagement. In Bergamo she coordinates several projects that promote dialogue between dance and contemporary artistic languages in a network with important cultural partners of the city and collaborates in the development of activities aimed at the community including Dance Well®, the Over 60 workshop and initiatives in schools dedicated to teenagers.

Pier Giacomo Cirella

Pier Giacomo Cirella, graduated in Architecture at the I.U.A.V. from Venice. From 1996 to 2015 he collaborated with ARTEVEN – Regional Theater Circuit. For Arteven he was responsible for the Dance sector of which he oversaw the programming of the dance shows and related events, as well as the conception and coordination of cultural dissemination initiatives relating to the Theater and the Dance. From 2003 to 2010 he was national president of ADEP – Association of dance and promotion. From 2000 to 2010 he was an adjunct professor at the University of Ca ‘Foscari – for EGART – Economics and management of arts and cultural activities. In October 2010 he was appointed Secretary General of the Municipal Theater Foundation of the City of Vicenza and Artistic Director of Danza in Rete Festival Vicenza – Schio.