New Italian Dance Platform
NID Platform 2024 e RTO

NID PLATFORM – Nuova Piattaforma della Danza Italiana un progetto di R.T.O. (Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Operatori – ADEP/FEDERVIVO-AGIS) in collaborazione e con il sostegno di Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale Spettacolo Regione Veneto

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“NID Platform - New Italian Dance Platform”

The NID_ New Italian Dance Platform is an event aimed at promoting and supporting Italian artists and contemporary dancing companies, selected through a public call. This is not merely a showcase or a market exhibition, but rather an occasion for the protagonists of the dance world, Italian companies and artists to meet and exchange ideas with professionals, critics, journalists and scholars that are active at a national and international level. The goal of the event is to promote and support the most important Italian choreutic production and create an open exchange of ideas, to take stock of the state of the art of the young choreography, trends, languages and practices of contemporary dance in Italy.

First established in 2012, initially as a biennial event, annual starting from this year, the NID platform reaches its eighth edition in 2024; the event is the result of shared intentions of the dance distribution bodies belonging to ADEP (Associazione Danza Esercizio e Promozione) FEDERVIVO-AGIS grouped into the R.T.O. (Temporary Grouping of Operators) with the Direzione Generale Spettacolo (Directorate in charge of music, dance and theatre) of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Regions of reference.

The City of Vicenza, which is on UNESCO’s World Heritage List with its works by Andrea Palladio, is hosting the eighth edition of the NID Platform from 9th to 12th October 2024. The lead partner and organiser of the 2024 edition, appointed by the R.T.O., is the Municipal Theatre of Vicenza Foundation in collaboration with Arteven – Regional Multidisciplinary Circuit.

Get back to dance is the title of the 2024 edition of the NID Platform and marks a return to dancing as an enhancement of choreutic language, with the key role of the body and harmonious movements at the centre of the artists’ proposals.


The operating format of the event features an integrated series of creative projects, the Schedule and Open Studios sections offer an overview of the projects in the Italian dance world, both with already well-structured works and experiences that are still being developed.


The two-tier structure enables the enhancement of various expressions of the national choreutic landscape, with the two-fold goal of broadening and modernising the current Italian market, thus facilitating the circulation of the highest possible number of productions, as well as promoting and spreading top-quality Italian choreutic production on the international market, for it to be discovered and to enable exchanges between professionals and artists, so as to achieve an ever-greater internationalisation of the Italian dance scene.

In the 2024 edition of the NID Platform, along with the two sections to present the works, which will be opened to the public as well as to the professionals, there will also be many side events, meetings and networking opportunities. 

Regarding the Schedule section (at least 10 shows will be presented) shows and/or projects not falling under the format can be included, provided that they debuted between 26th April 2021 and 30th April 2024, or if they did a pre-début and have their début scheduled by 15th September 2024.

Regarding the Open Studios section (at least 5 projects will be presented) the projects that can participate are of choreographic nature, under development that involve co-productions and/or residencies that do not envisage débuts by the end of the eighth edition of the NID Platform and that are done in the form of choreographic/performative presentations lasting a maximum of fifteen minutes. For Open Studios the works are selected by the Artistic Committee following a list of identified works, also based on the artistic journey of the candidates, made by an Italian professional together with a member of the Artistic Committee.


The R.T.O. – Temporary Grouping of Operators, founded in Rome, on 16th January 2024, includes the following subjects:

CDTM Circuito Campano della Danza, Associazione Movimento Danza, Associazione Circuito Teatrale-Teatro Pubblico Campano, Ater Fondazione, Cantieri Danza Aps, Fondazione “I Teatri”, Ass. Culturale L’arboreto Aps, Daniele Cipriani Entertainment Soc. Coop., AMAT – Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali, Ass. Cult. C.L.A.P. Spettacoli dal Vivo, 23 C Art Coop. Soc., CRO.ME – Cronaca e Memoria dello Spettacolo, Associazione Culturale Mosaicodanza Aps, Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo-Circuito Regionale dello Spettacolo, Fondazione Cross, Torino Danza Festival-Fondazione Teatro Stabile di Torino, Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo Onlus, Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee Ets, Anghiari Dance Hub Soc. Coop., Fondazione Armunia – Castello Pasquini, Associazione Enti Locali per le attività Culturali e di Spettacolo, Ce.D.A.C. Sardegna Soc. Coop. Arl, Maya inc Soc. Coop., Associazione Danzeventi, Arteven – Circuito Multidisciplinare del Veneto, Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza, La Sfera Danza asd, A.Artisti Associati Soc. Coop., Oriente Occidente Impresa Sociale Ets, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, RGE Roberto Giovanardi Entertainment Srl.